Distribution of AIS in Oneida County
Do You Know What’s Lurkin’ in Your Lake and Doin’ the Bloomin’ Along Your Shoreline?
There are several aquatic and wetland invasive species in the Northwood’s that have the potential to change, or have already changed, the biodiversity of our lakes, rivers, streams (including trout streams), marshes, wetlands, cranberry bogs, ephemeral ponds. These species have likely found their way into our waters through unclean boats, trailers, and recreational equipment, inappropriate disposal of bait and aquarium species, and migration through connected waterways. To find out what AIS are in your favorite lakes, click on the Distribution of AIS in Oneida County tab below.
Regulated (NR40) AIS in Oneida County Waterbodies
Animals and Invertebrates:
- Banded mystery snail
- Chinese mystery snail
- Freshwater Jellyfish
- Rusty crayfish
- Aquatic forget-me-not
- Curly-leaf pondweed
- Eurasian water-milfoil
- European marsh thistle
- Flowering rush
- Hybrid cattail
- Hybrid Eurasian/Northern water-milfoil
- Narrow-leaved cattail
- Phragmites (non-native)
- Purple loosestrife
- Variegated Reed Manna grass
- Yellow iris